For Meals That Almost Cook Themselves

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I hate waiting around for a stew or pot roast, to simmer, so I'm thinking about buying a slow cooker. Can you recommend a good one?

For Meals That Almost Cook Themselves

Do you love digging into the tender meat in a perfectly cooked beef stew, yet lack the patience or time to wait for hours at home as it simmers? With the Cuisinart slow cooker, you can toss together ingredients in the morning, leave for work and return to a delicious, fully-cooked meal. It features high or low temperature controls that may be set for up to eight hours. When simmering time is up, the settings automatically shift to warm, to ensure food remains hot, but never overcooked. The ceramic cooking pot is removable for easy cleaning, and for even more convenience, does double duty as a serving piece. A sleek, brushed aluminum exterior makes the Cuisinart slow cooker an attractive addition to any countertop. For dessert lovers, it includes a rack for use with ramekins and other bakeware, and for cooking inspiration, there is a recipe booklet.



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