A Small Cookware Solution

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Sometimes I need a food processor for small jobs like chopping onions or making salad dressing. Which one do you recommend?

A Small Cookware Solution

Sometimes you want the ease and convenience of a food processor for a small job, like chopping onions, pureeing a sauce or
mixing a dip. For those times, try the Cuisinart Mini Prep Plus. This compact, easy-to-store or keep-on-the-counter processor features a clear 21-ounce work bowl that handles a variety of tasks, from blending salad dressing to mincing garlic and herbs to making pesto. You can even use it to make homemade baby food. An exclusive auto-reversing blade grinds hard foods like coffee beans, nuts, seeds and even spices, like cinnamon sticks. Touchpad controls wipe clean effortlessly, and removable, dishwasher-safe parts add to the convenience.



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