A Lobster Pot Stand-In

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I'd like to make lobster, but I don't have a Lobster pot. Can I boil lobster without one?

A Lobster Pot Stand-In

Let's face it. How often do you cook live lobster? Unless it's something you do on a regular basis, you don't need a lobster pot. Instead, just commandeer a large pot that's able to accommodate lots of water for boiling. You will need about 2 ½ quarts of water per lobster, so 20 quarts is perfect for a family of four. If you prefer steamed lobster, simply fill with 2 inches of generously salted water, and add the lobsters one at time. While a steamer rack that fits the pot is helpful, it's not necessary. When you're not using the stockpot for lobster, it's great for boiling fresh corn on the cob, cooking for a crowd or preparing large batches of soup to freeze for future consumption.



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